
You can sort search results by fitting material such as brass, poly, or stainless steel using the filters on the left. Gregson-Clark Sprayers use several different types of fittings that are all listed below. If you are unable to find the fittings that you need, please call our parts department at 1-800-706-9530.

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6 seconds ago
Hypro D252 Diaphragm Pump

Hypro D252 Diaphragm Pump


The Hypro D252 is a medium pressure, two diaphragm pump commonly used for lawn care, pest control and turf spraying applications. This pump assembl...

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11 seconds ago
Udor Oil Sight Gauge Plug

Udor Oil Sight Gauge Plug


Part# 1603.69 is the oil sight gauge plug on the gear reduction unit. This plug is found on many of the Kappa and Zeta series diaphragm pumps. The ...

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20 seconds ago
Ace RK-BAC-75-HYD Seal Kit

Ace RK-BAC-75-HYD Seal Kit


Part# RK-BAC-75-HYD is a rebuild kit for the hydraulic motor on some Ace Pumps. Check your owners manual for the proper kit.